
September – November

During the autumn a lot of plants will be producing a colourful display of berries which provide food for many creatures over the colder months to come. You’ll see berries on Holly, Blackthorn, Hawthorn and Dog Rose in the hedgerows around the village. Less colourful food supplies come in the shape of Hazelnuts and Ivy flowers.

Trees will also be putting on a display of colourful leaves. A visit to Black Covert not far from the village will let you walk amongst an orange glow of Beech and other trees.

In early autumn there are still quite a lot of insects about, like ladybirds, shieldbugs, some butterflies and craneflies. As time goes on there are less and less to see as they prepare for the coming winter.

Autumn is a great time to look out for fungi. Black Covert woods are a great place to go to see various types of mushrooms.